Novedades Univ

Case Competion is back

The Univ Forumsince its beginnings, has in the center of its interests work as a place of growth and personal fulfillment; but, fundamentally, as an instrument to serve others and society by making its own irreplaceable contribution. For this reason, one of the activities carried out by the Forum, the UNIVFORUM – IESE Case Competition, is dedicated to confronting -in a collaborative and interdisciplinary manner- business cases and professional ethics from different fields, in order to learn to look closely at how the world of work and business evolves, and what its challenges are.

The Case Competition is a team activity which follows the format of the HBS-IESE business case. The problems faced by the participants lead them to take a global approach and act strategically in order to provide a competitive solution. The solution must combine profitability, competitiveness, marketing and real entertainment with ethics and happiness.

The case is delivered the afternoon before the competition. After an initial explanation of its ethical aspects, participants work in teams to analyze the problem and recommend a solution. Each team will present their findings in the form of a presentation PowerPoint (or alternative means) before a competent jury.

The key success factors in this activity are team motivation, creativity and reasoning and logic,behind the recommended solution.

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